- A Yahoo! Groups Post! 10th February 2004
by Greg Tingle:
the 7th February 2004 the following was posted on
the Mediaman Yahoo! Groups website. (Joy
Hruby, producer and presenter of Channel 31 Community
TV Sydney's "Joy's World", made Mediaman fully aware of the post's content on the
afternoon on the 10th February 2004. I, Greg Tingle,
later attended the Channel 31 Sydney monthly meeting
at Artarmon, which I spoke to the board about my support
of Channel 31 Community TV Sydney, and specifically,
"Joy's World".
following post is re published here for the benefit
of all interested parties.
the record, permission was not requested by Glenn@ace.org.au
to openly post to the Mediaman Yahoo! Group,
and I will be writing to them about this today. In
the spirit of freedom of speech / the press, the article
is published on the Mediaman website, and
I intend to remove the post from the MMA website newsletter.
(I will first see whether the CTVAA Yahoo! group allows
me to openly post on their newsgroup! This will be
interesting. PS: What "misconceptions?! (see
bellow) GT.
"Australian College of Entertainment Ltd"
Date: Sun Feb 1, 2004 7:44 pm
Subject: Community Television Association of Australia
Group Members,
find enclosed a post to the CTVAA Group site.
am writing as one of the initiators of the CTVAA and
wish to clarify a few points and try to clear up some
misconceptions which I note reading some of the mesages.
I will note I have been silent and have only joined
Yahoo group today. There is an important reason for
this and I will share it.
the Founder of the Australian College of Entertainment
Ltd and Chief representative for the Licence Applications
by this organisation for Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne
and Perth it was important that there was not seen
to be an attempt to utilise the formation of this
Community Television Only, Truly representative, National
Peak Body as a vehicle to improve the applications
Australian College of Entertainment Ltd was asked
to participate, as was the other 5 applicants for
Sydney in an individual closed application hearing
for the Sydney Licence.
notification of this hearing came a week after formal
moves had been made to establish the Community Television
Association of Austrlia.
formation of the Community Television Association
of Austrlia has been undertaken after considerable
national consultation across all 8 states and territories
and also in Metropolitan, Regional and Remote regions
into the future needs of the industry.
CBAA was not consulted on the basis that theh CBAA
is primerrily a Community Radio association and the
very limited membership of Community Television representatives
only represents singular
interests of the current Trial Licensees. Additionally
the CBAA openly supports the Renaissance Television
involvement in the Community Television Sector which,
in its current arrangements with
trial licenses, goes against the interests of almost
all people who wish to see a true Community Television
during the current Licence process there has been
considerable onging two way communication between
the CBAA, Trial Licensees and the ABA in relation
to the Renaissance Television issue including draft
reports even being made available for comment. Agian
this is a clear indication that there is inequity
in the current CTV structure in Australia and that
the CBAA is not truly a Peak Industry representative
the CBAA would have fought to have had a majority
of the reccomendations for the Community Television
Industry put forward by the ABA and DCITA reports
of 1997 and 2002 respectively if it was
truly representative of the Community Television Industry
and not just the current Trial Licensees.
statements are not meant to bring into judgement the
current Trial Licensees just the fact that the CBAA
is not a truly representative CTV Peak Body.
to the two Government Reports referred to can be found
on the CTVAA website - www.ctvaa.org.au the reports
will also note that a key fundamental reason the CTV
sector is in such a poor financial
state and did not receive initial Government Funding
was as a direct result of reccomendations from the
CBAA (formaly known as the PBAA)
excerpt of the report follows:
Public Broadcasting Association of Australia (now
the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia)
stated in its submission to the HORSCOTCI inquiry
that community television would be capable of establishing
a service without government funding, citing the example
of the establishment of community radio stations.
In light of this, no government funding was made available
for the community television trial. In retrospect,
it is clear that the community radio paradigm was
inappropriate for community television. The cost to
set up and operate community radio is substantially
less than the amount required for community television.
will concur with Ralph that the CBAA has played a
positive roll in recent years in relation to some
parts the new legislation and the currnet application
process but to cite the CBAA membership and note
there is even a Vice President for CTV, the readers
might like to know that that VP is Andrew Brine, a
representative of the Perth Trial Licence and an Applicant
for the Perth Licence and membership
is limited to the Trial Licensees, a few Aspirants
and possibly a handfull of non voting associate interested
Ralph, having only Licnesees and Aspirants as voting
members does not represent the CTV Industry. The CTV
Industry is the broader community and producers and
the Licensees should be fulfilling their requirements
and meeting their needs within the guidelines of theActs
and regulations.
I will note that Melbourne (Ralphs Group)has worked
very hard to positively achieve this in recent time
but the other Trial Licensees around the country have
failed to date.
will note here that existing trial CTV licence holders
were consulted on the basis of their willingness to
be involved in a unified CTV sector nationally and
the broader national infrustructure and funding plan
being proposed and their willingness to sign a generic
committment to unity letter not on any letterhead
to be sent to the ABA.
Sydney and Perth responded positively on a verbal
basis but chose not to take the matter any further.
Melbourne (I spoke to Greg Gee) were equally positive
to the suggestions and further presented a re-work
of the proposed letter by their board but the proposed
letter was on their letter head and the wording was
crafted to remove the non-biased, non-alligned unified
approach. This is the letter that
Ralph stated that his board wrote but the Australian
College of Television did not support. It is important
to note there is always two sides to every story.
that the Application Hearing with the ABA is over
The CTVAA will be openly promoting broad membershp
on a National Basis through all 8, already established,
State Divisions and will welcome membership applications
from all CTV interested Individuals and groups as
outlined on the CTVAA website - www.ctvaa.org.au
includes very much the currnet trial licensees.
do hope everyone sees the positive spirit of this
letter, including Ralph and understands that we have
already achieved the foundations to the open and transparent,
truly representative National CTV Peak
Body the industry has needed since 1992.
Glenn Stapleton
National President
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Release: Renaissance Television Welcomes ABA Ruling
on Community Broadcasting Services - Melbourne - 5th
March 2003
31 profile