Reality bites

Reality bites - 21st February 2004
(Credit: The Sydney Morning Herald)

This year's shows are all so dull. Come on, has anyone really managed to make it all the way though The Hot House, My Restaurant Rules, What Not to Wear Australia or The Resort yet? Truly, we have arrived at a strange place in pop culture history. Who among us would have imagined that we would one day pine for the good old days of Reality TV, when the genre wasn't so moribund? Of course, I have a crackpot theory about all this.

I reckon it's a gigantic corporate plot to make us look forward to the ad breaks.

The calibre of host. Australia doesn't have enough frontmen for these shows. You can't just stick ordinary dorks like me in front of the camera and hope they'll be interesting, but that's what the networks appear to have done. Do I want to be told about style on What Not to Wear by Wayne Cooper, a charisma-free bloke with a second-hand David Beckham haircut? Darling, I don't think so. My Restaurant's Curtis Stone is interesting purely for his lack of hair gel continuity from shot to shot. Then, of course, there's The Resort's Jon Stevens. Good bloke, top singer and all that, but a television black hole.

The calibre of contestant. Has Australia really run out of young couples with anything but one-dimensional personalities? Is the supermarket of this great country really stocked only with no-frills people? Because that's what it seems like. I hate to be mean to my fellow citizens, but my TV has been overrun by scrubbers and, umm, what's the word for a male scrubber?

The calibre of celeb. The Osbournes worked because there was something endearingly oddball about the family. It grew tired when it became obvious that nothing much changed from day to day in the household. The latest celeb offerings, Newlyweds and The Simple Life, are built around people with all the personality of single-cell life forms. True, Newlyweds has the sheer, unadult(erated) vacancy of Jessica Simpson to gawk at, but that just seems sad by the second ad break. And what can you say about The Simple Life, except that it is Paris Hilton's least interesting video.

The devaluation of the currency. This year's new wrinkle, as evidenced by The Resort and My Restaurant, is onscreen audience participation. Viewers of each can take part by staying at the resort or eating at one of the restaurants, while the show is being made. So not only do the contestants get their 15 minutes in the spotlight, now you and I might be able to grab 15 seconds as well. The prize - fame - just keeps losing its value, like a photocopy of a photocopy.

Of course, the sooner everyone in Australia has appeared on a Reality TV show, the sooner we can get this over with.

The fact that none of these shows are Reality TV. OK, here's a crash course in reality. It's that thing that happens to us between waking up and going to sleep, right? So, when was the last time you found yourself taking over an island resort with a dozen other people? How many houses have you had to renovate without help from anyone but a dozen or so non-professionals? When were you last put in charge of something - a restaurant or any other kind of business - of which you had absolutely no experience? How often have you been voted out of your own life?

The category title. It's just wrong. My Restaurant Rules, The Resort, Hot House, Big Brother, Australian Idol, The Block, Survivor - these are all game shows, not Reality TV. Here's the litmus test. Does it have a contest and a winner? Yes? Then it's a game show. The only ones even close to the notion of Reality TV are programs such as Wife Swap, which do their social engineering at the start of the program (introduce vegan, hippie, control freak wife into family of chauvinist fast-food addict) then stand back to see what happens.

They're insulting to the industries they copy. What annoys me most is that each of these shows sells the illusion that aggressive amateurs are every bit as talented as professionals. They pretend there is no job that cannot be mastered almost instantly. Does anyone really think that people with no experience are, in eight weeks, going to open a restaurant or resort that is any good? Are a bunch of bickering idiots going to come up with a better living space than architects and interior designers? Are two cheeky gay guys really substitutes for builders?


The Sydney Morning Herald

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