to the emerging web portal ~
a work-in-progress like us all
involving all little Aussie battler Mums, Dads,
Grandparents, Children & Families...
concerning our Right to Know
opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference!"
Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Winner & New
York City Writer
DABROWSKI, National Director of the Children's
Rights Council of Australia, is standing as an
Independent Senate Candidate in Western Australia.
Video Links:
Edward Dabrowski launched his 3-point plan for
healing and justice rights for families and called
on both the Government and the Opposition to hear
the call of Aussie battler Mums, Dads, Grandparents,
and Children & Families. “Our families
want real practical help with their dignity left
intact”, said Mr Dabrowski. They want the
corrupt juggernaut of official Government interference
and dismantling of families, shut down once and
for all time, their families left intact and their
personal dignity restored”, Mr Dabrowski
said today. “We are moving ahead with the
‘cleansing’ of the State Apparatus
used to irritate and dismantle families on a mass
scale, and we have the support of tens of thousands
of Aussies harmed by these systems and malpractice
including profiteering of families through an
active agenda in the Family Court and Divorce
Industries to inflict pain and confusion and unbalanced
custody outcomes. Children were being robbed of
their life with a parent and headship in families
was being removed, along with children’s
sense of themselves, their personal identity,
and their development as complete persons. Today
we are turning a corner in the restoration of
the Australian Family”, said Mr Dabrowski.
1. Calling for an "Emergency Intervention"
to protect ALL of Australia's precious CHILDREN~PARENTS~FAMILIES
from destruction
“I call on Mal Brough as the Australian
Minister for Families, Communities & Indigenous
Affairs to provide real community assistance and
build capacity and resilience for families instead
of his "tampa" stunt with the $500 Million
Aboriginal Children "emergency intervention"
where the money goes to army, police and the System
feeding off the pain and suffering of people rather
than self~help empowerment”, said Mr Dabrowski.
abORIGINAL problems have 219 years of systematic
bullyforce control, oppression and suppression
to extinguish a unique people of 50,000 years
heritage with a rich culture and DreamTime traditions
of great human Value. The Government had failed
to honour the Aboriginal culture and traditions,
the worst manifestation being the wholesale removal
of children and the recent wave of segregation
of aboriginal children from their families instead
of working with families at grassroots level to
improve their lives and empower parents”,
he said.
2. Demanding an independent National Royal Commission
(as per Sydney Daily Telegraph 14/11/07 full front
page commitment) into the best interests, wellbeing
and welfare of Australia's most valuable assets
and hope for the future ~ Her CHILDREN~PARENTS~FAMILIES.
“I want to give everyday little Aussie battlers
an opportunity to have an ongoing CommUNITY in
diversity independent VOICE in matters that concern
them and in the profoundly important personal
matter of family and the sanctity of family life
in the privacy of the sanctuary of the home”,
Mr Dabrowski said today.
Dabrowski said today that both John Howard and
Kevin Rudd in their campaigning “had arrogantly
dismissed the input of everyday Aussies. These
so-called leaders in their arrogance and ignorance
have constructed with untold $millions from the
Australian people carefully orchestrated spin
doctor political campaigns that are completely
out of touch with the hearts and souls of everyday
Aussies. They are divisive, destructive and not
in the best interests of Australia's Children~Parents~Families
and lack a productive CommUNITY Spirit of Goodwill.”
media too were culpable accepting millions of
dollars in advertising, as the media trance with
the presidential style campaign left Aussies without
a voice and campaign that speaks for them”,
save for the work of grassroots CommUNITY groups
like ours”, said Mr Dabrowski.
A report
today that the use of painkillers was costing
$34Billion per annum gives some hint to the extreme
emotional pain and health costs to the community
of ongoing destruction and meddling in families
and children’s bonds with their parents,
by the family court and welfare systems.
I am advising the Chief Justice of the Family
Court Diana Bryant and the Federal Attorney-General
Philip Ruddock as well as the Shadow Labor Minister
that we are serious about ending crimes against
the family in our beloved nation Australia.
At long last after 35 years the RECKONING ~ Accountability
& Responsibility for crimes against families
shall commence through legal action. I invite
Geoffrey Robertson, renowned QC and UN Human Rights
Court Judge, Sir Bob Geldolf along with Ralph
Naider and other leaders in human rights social
justice to support Aussie Families who had their
families torn apart through collusion, anti-family
ideologies and the blunt blade of the State child-removal
apparatus”, said Mr Dabrowski.
“Today we commence with TeamWork my plan
to initiate a $33 Billion plus CLASS ACTION against
the Australian Government and the total Family
Law Court System (which includes DOCS, DCD, the
Legal Profession, Churches, Social Workers, Police,
so-called court‘Experts’ and other
participants) for gross negligence in duty of
care and absolute failure in due diligence causing
untold damage, hurt, loss and death to Australian
CHILDREN~PARENTS~FAMILIES over the past 35 years,
commented Mr Dabrowski. “There has been
a cover-up whitewash that does not fool the clever
everyday Aussie. I will shine a light on the cover-up
of abuse, cruelty, injustice, neglect and death.
Fatherlessness alone costs Australia over $30
Billion annually in damages, hurt, loss and death.
Every 2 minutes we have a report of Child abuse,
cruelty, injustice, neglect and death. Australia's
{hidden} SHAME!!!”
The terrorizing outcomes from this heartless flawed
and failing Social System have been {hidden} in
secrecy causing humongous family, financial, and
health total breakdown with countless deaths and
suicides (5 distressed dads a day) due to the
Kangaroo Court Star Chamber (as eloquently described
by Dr. John Hirst of La Trobe University in the
Quarterly Essay). The roots of these gross injustices
are traceable to the corrupt, disgraceful Family
Law section 121 "gag" on freedom of
speech allowing the secret 'Concentration Camp'
torture and torment of everyday Aussies ruining
them lifelong.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said it all when declaring
war on the Nazi atrocities ~ "all that is
needed for evil to triumph is for good people
to do nothing!"
Will the Australian Press/Radio/TV Industry "RIGHT
TO KNOW" Campaign take up these blatant "freedom
of speech" and human rights violations???
CommUNITY & Creativity-in-Action
There are no problems, ONLY creative, positive,
constructive, people empowerment self-help SOLUTIONS.
We are planning an independent grassroots gathering,
netweaving and galvanizing process over the next
228 days to the 11-13 July '08
International CREATIVITY SUMMIT for Children Parents~Families
{see the emerging web portal
a work-in-progress like us all }
in the beautiful Newcastle Region of NSW Australia.
Our purpose is to bring together the natural freedom
and joy of grassroots Aussie ingenuity, innovation
and imagination wealth (= the DreamTime!) as the
mischievous and playful Nobel Prize winning creativity
thinker scientist Dr Albert Einstein said...
"IMAGINATION is more important than knowledge,
for knowledge is limited
to all that we now know and understand, while
IMAGINATION embraces the whole world and all there
will be to know and understand."
see as work-in-progress like
us all
DABROWSKI, Independent Senate Candidate, Western
ONE QUESTion within his MANifesto for the Federal
Elections ~
Engineer at BHP Billiton, Australia's biggest
volunteer National Director, Children's Rights
Council ~ ~
Shared Parenting Council of Australia ~
Development Director & CommUNITY Web Master
on the
CREATIVITY SUMMIT for Children~Parents~Families
to be
in the beautiful Newcastle Region 11-13 July 2008:
Custodian/Steward with his daughter Zosia 11 and
son Josef 9 of the
Acres Seed Farm and the Children's Mother Earth
Gardens Project;
co+CEO of the "Lady Liberty ground zero Creativity
Center", New York City, USA.
Senate Candidate, Bunbury, Western Australia.
Nationwide Grassroots People Empowerment ~ a CommUNITY
VOICE of Creativity
"Aussie Independence & TeamWork"
Campaign & Movement
(08) 9791 7433; Mobile 0409 917 345