Craige McWhirter
Mackellar Greens Candidate

Craige joined the Greens in 2004. He could no longer sit by while the Howard government mismanaged our environment and ignored climate change.
The Greens have been leading the way on combating climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions threaten our wellbeing today, and are likely to have a terrible impact on our children.
"Our community has become increasingly concerned about this issue. People are frustrated by our government's slow response.
"I'll be targeting our addiction to fossil fuels. I'll be working to see a change in our transport infrastructure, with reinvestment in public transport reducing the need for car trips."
While now a resident of Newport, Craige grew up in Mona Vale, and is a long serving member of Mona Vale Surf Club.
The Greens
The Greens (Mackellar)
The Environment