Ric Drasin

Ric "The Equalizer" Drasin


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The Hulk


Ric Drasin is a man of many talents.

Different people know him for different reasons.

I know Ric for his involvement in professional wrestling, of which I am a big fan.

In addition, who can forget the classic TV series, The Incredible Hulk, in which Ric played the Demi Hulk.

Mediaman, Greg Tingle, made contact with Ric in June 2003.

Ric has turned into a good friend (as the internet and telephone allows), and assisted in distribution of Greg's article: Arnold Schwarzenegger: King of bodybuilding, movies, politics and media, in August 2003.

This event enormously assisted in Mediaman securing a telephone interview with one of Arnold's political opponents, Lorraine (Abner Zurd) Fontanes. Ah, what a small world we live in.

Ric, you are a credit to your profession, or should that be, professions, and I am externally grateful for the personal and business relationship we have developed.

See you in the U.S, and say hi to Arnie and the bunch for Yvette and I.

Interviews with Ric Drasin

18th June 2003

16th July 2003

25th August 2003


Bio (credit official Ric Drasin website)

Ric Drasin started training clients in the mid-60's when he ran a chain of health clubs. He also taught classes in fitness, bodybuilding and diet at the YMCA. In 1970, Ric worked out at GOLD'S GYM in Venice where he trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger, becoming Arnold's training partner for the next four years.

The two also trained with Joe Weider, discussing new routines and diets and using every method possible to get their results.

Ric later trained with Lou Ferrigno as Ric joined "The Incredible Hulk" series as the 'Demi Hulk' -- the middle transformation on the show.

In addition, Ric has a background in Pro Wrestling as the WWF's EQUALIZER, and has trained many students for Pro Wrestling.


Ric Drasin on Arnold Schwarzenegger

Read what Ric say's about Arnold's suitability for the top job in California:

Let me add that I trained with Arnold as you know and I've never met a more focused person on getting a job done.

He's extremely bright and a fantastic businessman.

Running a state is running a business and I can't think of anyone better. Being a resident in CA all of my life, I've seen it go down hill from leaders like Gray Davis who instead of cutting spending has raised our Car License fees 3 X the amount. This is absurd not to mention Water and Power hikes and Gas hikes to fatten their wallets.

I'm sure that we are ready for a good change and Arnold is just that. He won't put up with the BS and he loves CA, so therefore he will make it a better place to live. He'll gain experience not only by doing but
from his advisors and his wife's political family as well.

I think it's a move in the right direction!!


Read Greg Tingle's article; Arnold Schwarzenegger: King of bodybuilding, movies, politics and media

Read a movie review of The Hulk

Visit Greg Tingle's bodybuilding tribute

Visit Greg Tingle's That's Hollywood

JewishMag.com - Ric The Jewish Wrestler

Mediaman: Online Shop

Australian Sports and Entertainment Portal - Wrestling Books

Book: So, You want to be a wrestling promoter, by Ric Drasin

Article: The Great Yankee Promoters, by Greg Tingle

Article: Stand by your man, by Greg Tingle

Ringpost Productions

Tough & Tender - Relationship advice

Ric Drasin official website


Ric Drasin products and promotions include, but are not limited to:


All of you who shave your head like The Equalizer need to know that there is an easy and effective way to do it other than the conventional razor. www.headblade.com has the solution for your head. It is the only company that has designed a razor specifically for shaving your head. It's as easy as driving a car around every lump ,bump and crevice and does a neat , complete job of shaving. Headblade also makes a great shaving cream as well and lotion called Headlube to give your head smoothness. I wouldn't use anything but a Headblade and want to share this with all of you bald guys out there. In fact, when you go to their site, be sure to order my Equalizer signature model. It's at www.headblade.com Say hi to the owner/inventor Todd Greene and tell him I sent you. He's a great guy!

Security Kat

Protect yourself and your loved ones with this Kool Kat!

Book: So, You want to be a wrestling promoter?

Learn the business from someone who knows!

American Wrestling Federation

Home of The Equalizer!

Drasin Designs: Just 4 Yucks

The Ric Drasin Wrestling School has been featured on Channel Nine 'Getaway' and on numerous other television shows and newspapers


Gold's Gym

