Steve Irwin

Steve Irwin aka "The Crocodile Hunter"

1964 - 2006

Terri Irwin, Bindi Irwin and the late, great, Steve Irwin


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Sea Shepherd vessel, Robert Hunter, renamed The Steve Irwin

Irwin death footage 'terrible', by David Braithwaite - 5th September 2006
(Credit: The Sydney Morning Herald)

The underwater video footage of Steve Irwin's death after he was speared in the chest by a stingray was "shocking" his manager reportedly said today.

John Stainton told reporters the footage, which he had handed to police, was the worst thing he had ever seen, Sydney's 2GB radio reported this morning.

"I have seen the footage and it's shocking," Mr Stainton said.

"It's a very hard thing to watch because you're watching somebody die and it's terrible."

Mr Stainton, also a producer and director of Irwin's popular television shows, said the footage showed Mr Irwin pulling the barb out of his chest before losing consciousness.

'The tail came up'

"It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he's gone.

"That was it. The cameraman had to shut down."

Mr Stainton, who was aboard Mr Irwin's vessel Croc One when the tragedy occurred, said it was likely the television star and naturalist died almost immediately as a result of the stingray's blow.

"(He was) probably a metre coming over the top of it," he said.

"He was underwater. I think, and the coroner's report will say what happened, but I think he died fairly instantly."

Mr Stainton said he was still in disbelief that a stingray could claim his close friend's life.

"He was always on the precipice," he said.

"He always pushed himself to the very limits but I thought he was invulnerable and I think he did too.

Close shaves

"I think we all had that belief that we'd pull through whatever situation we were in and he has been in some very close shaves with snakes and crocodiles.

"I would never imagine it to come from something like a stingray."

A post-mortem examination has confirmed Irwin died after being speared in the chest by a stingray's poisonous barb.

"We're not going into the detail but there's definitely no surprises. Everyone knows how he died," a police spokeswoman said.

Mr Stainton said Irwin's crew was struggling to come to terms with the death.

"Devastated," Mr Stainton said when asked at a news conference in Cairns today how Mr Irwin's crew was coping with the loss.

"As you can imagine, you guys shooting stuff and someone you're filming, for years, has died in front of you, is shocking.

"It's a shocking thing, traumatic, it's one of those things you don't expect and you have to deal with it."

Crikey fund announced

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin's conservation work would continue despite his death yesterday, a close friend said today.

The executive director of Irwin's Australia Zoo at Beerwah, near Queensland's Sunshine Coast, pledged today that Irwin's work to protect wildlife would go on.

"We have an obligation now to do more, and through his legacy we hope more Australians and more people around the world will get into conservation," Michael Hornby told Channel Nine's Today program.

"Things like the culling of wildlife, which Steve was very passionate (against). That has to stop. We've got to create safer habitats. we've got to carry on the mantle."

Irwin made a great contribution to the conservation movement around the world, Mr Hornby said.

"I don't think we'll ever come to grips with his impact," Mr Hornby said.

"It's not just the direct stuff, the land that he has purchased to create habitats, the money he has invested, the motivation that he has provided so many people.

"But it's because of him that other people have now taken up a career or taken up a passion in conservation, and he has directly influenced them, and hopefully many, many people to come.

Irwin was also a great friend, he said.

'Lovely guy'

"He's a lovely guy, you know. If you didn't know him, he kind of polarised, I guess, some people. You know, the tall poppy syndrome; but as a person, so genuine," Mr Hornby said.

"What you saw on TV was how he was as a guy - always up, always motivated always inspiring, but always there for you."

Earlier today, the American TV company that made the Crocodile Hunter a household name in the US -- Discovery Networks, which owns the Discovery and Animal Planet channels -- announced it will continue Irwin's legacy with the creation of the Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter Fund, nicknamed The Crikey Fund.

The fund will "honour Steve's passion and exuberance for conservation and the animal kingdom" and will fund programs around the world.

It will also aid Irwin's Australia Zoo as well as provide educational support for his two young children.

State funeral offer

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says Irwin will get a state funeral if that's what his family wants .

Mr Beattie today said Irwin put Australia on the world map.

"He will be remembered as not just a great Queenslander, but a great Australian," Mr Beattie told Channel Seven.

"Whenever I travel overseas, particularly to countries like the United States, he was certainly the most well known Australian.

"People didn't know who our prime minister was, or who our premiers are, but they certainly know Steve Irwin."

Asked if his government would honour Irwin with a state funeral, Mr Beattie replied: "We will honour Steve Irwin in whatever way his family wants."

But first it was important to let his wife Terry and two young children, who recently returned to Queensland from Tasmania, deal with the tragedy, he said.

"Our first thoughts have to be with Terry and the children and I don't want to say or do anything that will make their grief worse because they are a wonderful family," Mr Beattie said.

"We will approach the family and we would obviously be keen to honour him in some sort of way from the Queensland government point of view, from the state's point of view, but we would only do that with the family's approval.

"They have to deal with this terrible news which has shocked everyone."

- with AAP


Farewell to a larrikin adventurer, killed in his prime (Credit: The Sydney Morning Herald)

by Robert Wainwright and Jordan Baker
September 5, 2006

IN THE end Steve Irwin got too close. The wildlife champion and television personality, known around the world as the Crocodile Hunter, died just after 11am yesterday in front of the cameras when a stingray's barb pierced his heart as he swam over Batt Reef, off the coast of Port Douglas in far north Queensland.

Of his millions of fans, most would have imagined his death by crocodile jaws or poisonous snake, not swimming in a Barrier Reef lagoon, or away from his family - his wife, Terri, and young children, Bindi and Bob - who were flying by private plane to Maroochydore last night from the Tasmanian wilderness, where they had been on a trekking holiday.

Irwin's fellow documentary maker Ben Cropp revealed that footage shows Irwin swimming alongside a large smooth stingray, also known as a bull ray, in less than two metres of water, while a cameraman from his production company swims in front to film him for a new TV wildlife series.

Without warning, the ray, usually regarded as a placid creature towards humans, stops, turns and lashes out, spearing Irwin in the chest with one of the knife-like barbs at the end of its tail - an action like a paring knife creating "a terrific tearing of flesh", said Bryan Fry, of the University of Melbourne's Australian venom research unit.

It was not known last night whether Irwin, 44, died of a heart attack, blood loss from the wound, venom from the ray or a combination of all three. It was only the third known death by stingray in Australia.

The news sparked a frenzy of tributes from around the world for a man considered an Australian folk hero. Early this morning, the Herald's website had logged close to 2000 tributes from readers.

Cropp has not seen the footage but spoke to a friend on Irwin's research vessel, Croc One, which he had been using in the area for several days.

"I wanted to know the truth before the bullshit got out," Cropp said. "I can picture it happening; the ray must have felt threatened. Mostly they get spooked and swim off but in this case it stops, swings and jabs upward with its tail. It can lash a metre or more. Steve must have been in a vulnerable position. He probably got too close. "Do I think he was irresponsible? No, he was unlucky. I know because I've done it myself, but in my case the ray missed me."

Pete West, a professional diver, was on a1 nearby boat at the time of the tragedy and confirmed Cropp's version of events.

"We were the closest boat to the area and they stopped by to tell us," Mr West told Channel Seven. "We raised the alarm while they took him back to his own boat."


Crocodile Hunter died as he lived in nature's danger zone, by Simon Mann (Credit: The Sydney Morning Herald)

WHEN you fashion a lifestyle out of dicing with death, there should be little surprise that when your number actually comes up it is as swift as it is final, and you are middle-aged and at the peak of prosperity.

Only, for Steve Irwin, the self-proclaimed, internationally feted "Crocodile Hunter", it came in a manner nobody would have expected - in azure seas and from the barb of a stingray, not in a muddy estuary in the jaws of a five-metre saltwater crocodile.

Irwin had often talked about the immediacy of a croc attack. You'd have next-to-no chance, he would warn, wide-eyed and all golly-gosh as if he was reading a scary bedtime story. "Because when they strike it can be that quick that if they're within range, you're dead, you're dead in your tracks!"

And if he was reporting his own death, Irwin's prose typically would be peppered with the vernacular that made the Melbourne-born naturalist (and natural show-off) instantly recognisable and parodied wide and far, from his home at Queensland's Noosa Heads to many parts of the globe. "Crikey! Irwin's copped a barb in the chest and the thing just ripped him apart like a tin-opener opening a can! Gee whiz, will ya look at that?! That dasyatid! That beautiful, sleek little baby with its lethal stinger. Blimey, that's sharp!"

Was there anything wild that Steve Irwin couldn't fall in love with? Wasn't gobsmacked by, wasn't wanting to cradle, to get alongside, to understand, to protect? Folklore says he was born with a python in one hand and a baby croc in the other, a modern-day jungle boy sans loincloth who could commune with nature.

"I have no fear of losing my life," Irwin once claimed. "If I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it." And you knew he was for real. Irwin was a fair dinkum Crocodile Dundee — without the fake tan or the facelift. He epitomised the legend of the Aussie bushman: resourceful, savvy and a bit rough around the edges. But he was generous to a fault, and a showman, too, in a way that left his audiences in awe and feeling just a wee bit inferior.

"What you see on TV is pretty much what you get," said his long-time best mate, fellow zoo worker Wes Mannion, when Irwin had become a household name. "He's not quite as excitable, maybe, but he's always got that drive. If we have to dig a hole, he doesn't go over and just dig a hole, he goes over and says 'Right! We're gonna dig a hole!' Then he's flat out diggin' a hole."

Irwin was larger than life. More than 500 million people knew of him. His programs screened in more than 130 countries. In anyone's hyperbole, that's a lot. He was a self-promoter par excellence, but he had plenty to promote - a stratospheric self- confidence, a love of life, an adventurer's spirit and a cheekiness that opened the doors of movers and shakers, from cabinet ministers to film producers, from Capitol Hill to Hollywood.

On a tour of America he was interviewed more than 1000 times: on Late Night with Conan O'Brien he wrestled an inflatable crocodile in a children's wading pool, and after appearing on another late-night program he was such a hit he was chased by fans through Manhattan. Police had to be called.

In fact, he provided the perfect chat-show fodder: Irwin had eyebrow-raising tales by the truckload. "Anyone who gets their very own scrub python for their sixth birthday would have some tales to tell and Steve has plenty!" Irwin's own website trumpeted proudly. "While most other children were opening cans of pet food for their cats or dogs, Steve was out catching fish and hunting rodents to feed to his crocodiles and snakes."

They were experiences not learned in suburban Melbourne, however, where the greatest danger in the backyard is colliding with the Hills hoist while playing kick-to-kick. From his birthplace, Stephen Robert Irwin moved to Queensland with his nature-loving parents when he was very young. Bob and Lyn Irwin started the Beerwah Reptile Park, which was taken over by 29-year-old Steve in 1991 and renamed Australia Zoo.

Irwin met his Oregon-born wife, Terri Raines, the following year, married soon after and went crocodile trapping on their honeymoon, complete with film crew. The adventure formed the basis in 1992 of the first episode of The Crocodile Hunter, their successful television series, which was underpinned by their expanding and successful zoo with an array of native animals as well as elephants, tigers and a cheetah. It was no longer just the Steve Irwin Show but a double act, with Terri playing the straight role. Irwin's autobiography was later sub-titled The Incredible Life and Adventures of Steve and Terri Irwin. Theirs was a celluloid blend of National Geographic magazine and What Will they Think of Next?, but despite the double billing there was no doubting who the star really was.

The pair ended up making almost 50 hour-long documentaries, which appeared on cable TV channel Animal Planet and won a worldwide audience. There were also 50-plus episodes of his follow-up series, Croc Files. Irwin's manager, John Stainton, summed up the the style of the presenter with the blond mop: "A lot of people presenting television just look at the lens. They talk to the glass. But Steve has a unique ability to get

through the lens and talk to you. That's why he is incredibly successful, because he almost jumps into your lounge room."

Then, in 2001, Irwin bobbed up in Dr. Dolittle 2 in a cameo role alongside Eddie Murphy, and a year later the Irwins played themselves in The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, in which the pair, naturally, hunt crocodiles - while fending off rogue CIA agents and saving the world.

Making money didn't appear to be a motivation, with the Irwins recycling the proceeds of many of their commercial successes into conservation. Of Hollywood, Irwin remained suspicious. Of his movie-making experiences, he said: "MGM bought me 22 new safari suits for a start. But really, I steered clear of the joint. Where I live, if someone gives you a hug it's from the heart. I've had these blokes in Hollywood hug me trying to make out I'm their friend and as soon as I turn … they take out a big bunch of knives and stab me in the back. I feel sorry for these people because they are so shallow." Asked, famously, about his millions, Irwin said in 2002: "There's no more money in my bank. People say to me: 'Paul Hogan built a $12 million mansion in Hollywood - I suppose you'll be doing the same?' I just say, 'No way, mate.' "

His straight talk was a little too blunt for some, however, and when he found himself accused of putting the life of his infant son in danger in January 2004, there were plenty baying for Irwin's blood. Khaki-clad, he had been feeding a chicken carcass to crocodiles at his zoo with one-month-old Bob tucked under his arm. Footage of the incident was screened on TV news bulletins worldwide.

Irwin defended his action, claiming he had been in total control throughout the incident. But his image took a knock, with Queensland's Department of Family Services reprimanding him and a reported cooling between the Irwins and some of their documentary backers. Ultimately, Irwin conceded that he would not repeat the episode but his unconventional parenting was often a talking point. In a recent interview he spoke about how he allowed his eight-year-old daughter, Bindi, to kick Bob (now two) - as long as she took her shoes off first. "That way, she gets to whack him and he doesn't get hurt," he said. "That's a compromise. Everybody's happy."

Irwin was also in hot water later in 2004 when he was accused of disturbing whales, seals and penguins while filming in Antarctica, charges that he also denied.

Despite the controversies, the preservation of wildlife was his raison d'etre. Only recently, he attached his name to a wildlife protection group that launched a legal challenge to Tasmanian plans to shoot wallabies and pademelons. And when real-life crocodile hunters clamoured for a part in the Northern Territory's annual crocodile cull, Irwin escorted the Environment Minister, Ian Campbell, around Cape York to convince him that "trophy hunting" would send the wrong message and would put international tourism at risk.

At the end of the day, nearly everybody had a good word for Steve Irwin, from local tourists to international celebrities. Recalling his visit to the Irwins' zoo, singer Justin Timberlake recalled this month: "I know he got a lot of flak [in 2004], but there's something in that dude's blood, he's like one of those animals. It's crazy, the communication he has with those animals. He's like Dr Dolittle, for real."


(Credit: Amazing

Owner of a Queensland wildlife park who is forever risking his life in front of the camera by confronting huge, dangerous and poisonous animals while pouring out colourful Aussie language at the same time.

Many Australians consider him way over the top and an embarrassing ocker but his mad adventures made him a super hero in the U.S. where his TV series and movie made millions and in November 2003 he auditioned mad Americans to join a reality TV show to be filmed at his wildlife park.

Over the years he has received numerous bites, one of those was on stage in Alice Springs at a Toyota conference where a two metre long Perenti lizard latched on to his arm.

He is also reported to have trade marked the name Crocodile Hunter, as was pointed out in a letter from Steve's lawyer to real crocodile hunter Mick Pitman who claims to have roamed the north for 20 years, much of it with legendary croc hunter "German Jack", and who is outraged his primary job description has been hijacked.

He claims he was hunting crocodiles while Irwin was still in nappies and says that Steve is only a 'crocodile photographer'. The hype has gone that far that Steve was even nominated for Australian of the Year, though this is more for his generosity in sharing the proceeds of his crazy crocodile empire with numerous charity organizations.

Despite making it to Queenslander of the year he came under fire early 2004 when he held his baby son Bob a metre from the mouth of a 4 metre crocodile at his Australia Zoo to teach him to become completely familiar with crocodiles.

The stunt was slammed by child support groups and compared to the furore caused by whacko Jacko dangling his newborn baby over a German hotel balcony in 2002.

After this stunt his chances of becoming Australian of the Year diminished and it was Steve Waugh that snatched that title away from him.( See our jokes page for more on Steve's stunt.)

This stunt caused the Queensland workplace health and safety division to re-draft crocodile handling guidelines which included a ban on children entering crocodile enclosures, and also to launch an investigation which could land Steve a whopping big fine of a million dollars.

Later in 2004 he came under fire for swimming with whales and toboganning with seals in the Antarctic, which is also being investigated with the possible outcome of whopping big fines.

Steve Irwin (Credit: Wikipedia)

Stephen Robert "Steve" Irwin (22 February 1962 - 04 September 2006 born in Essendon, Victoria, Australia) is the owner and manager of the Australia Zoo at Beerwah, Queensland, Australia. He is best known as The Crocodile Hunter, which is the name of the unconventional nature documentary series on television he hosts, assisted by his American-born wife, Terri Irwin. His larger-than-life persona and seemingly outrageous antics (including the close handling of both common and rare species of wildlife and, perhaps most famously, the capture of live crocodiles and other reptiles on-screen) are key features in the presentation, which provides a forum for educational information about wildlife conservation and conflicts with humans in various parts of the world. The program has made the Irwins television personalities on several continents.

Steve Irwin was killed after being stabbed by a stingray in the Batt Reef, near Cairns in Australia.


Born in the Melbourne area, Steve Irwin moved with his parents as a child to Queensland. His parents, Bob and Lyn, ran the small Queensland Reptile and Fauna Park, where Steve grew up around crocodiles and other reptiles. He became a crocodile trapper, removing crocodiles from near populated areas, performing the service for free with the quid pro quo that he kept them for the park. As a child, he had a negative encounter with a macaw, and still retains some fear of parrots.

In 1991, he took over the running of the park, now renamed the "Australia Zoo", and in 1992 met (at the park) and married Terri. The footage, shot by John Stainton, of their crocodile-trapping honeymoon became the first episode of The Crocodile Hunter, which became wildly successful in America.

In 2001, Steve appeared in a cameo role in the Eddie Murphy film Dr. Dolittle 2. In 2002, his first feature film, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, was released. In general, reviews of this film were negative. However, in 2003, Irwin was reportedly in line to host a chat show on Australian network television.

The Irwins have two children: a daughter, Bindi Sue Irwin (born 24 July 1998), and a son, Robert (Bob) Clarence Irwin (born 1 December 2003). Their dog, Sui, from which their daughter's middle name was derived, died in June 2004.

Under Steve's expansive leadership, the operations have grown to include the zoo, the television series, The Steve Irwin Conservation Foundation, and International Crocodile Rescue. Improvements to his Australia Zoo include the Animal Planet Crocoseum, the rainforest aviary, and Tiger Temple.

Major controversy arose during a public show on 2 January 2004, when Irwin carried his infant son, Bob, in one arm while feeding a chicken carcass to a crocodile with the other hand. The infant was close to the crocodile, and comparisons were made in the press with Michael Jackson's dangling of his son outside a German apartment window. In addition, child welfare groups, animal rights groups, and many of Irwin's television viewers criticised his actions as being irresponsible and tantamount to child abuse. Irwin claimed that any danger to his son was only a perceived danger and that he was in complete control of the situation, and has consistently refused to apologize for his actions despite considerable public outcry both in Australia and abroad. His defenders pointed to his several decades of hands-on experience and direct interaction with crocodiles. Terri Irwin claimed that their child was in no more real danger than a child being taught to swim would be. No charges were filed (although the police did visit Irwin at his home and advised him not to repeat the incident).

Irwin went on to star in other Animal Planet documentaries, including The Croc Files, The Crocodile Hunter Diaries, and New Breed Vets.

In June 2004, Irwin again was the subject of controversy when allegations were made that he came too close to and disturbed some wildlife (namely whales, seals and penguins) while filming a documentary in Antarctica. Interacting with Antarctic wildlife in a disapproved manner may be a breach of Australian federal and international laws. Subsequently, the matter was closed without charges being filed.

Animal Planet then released a Crocodile Hunter special called "Crocodiles & Controversy", which attempted to explain both the "Baby Bob Incident" and the Antarctica incident. This special argues that Irwin's son was never in danger of being eaten by the crocodile and that Irwin could not have endangered animals in Antarctica.

Eventually Animal Planet ended The Crocodile Hunter with a series finale entitled "Steve's Last Adventure". The last Crocodile Hunter documentary went for three emotional hours with footage of Steve's across-the-world adventure, visiting locations like the Himalayas, the Yangtze River, Borneo, and the Kruger National Park.

In January 2006 as part of Australia Week celebrations in the USA, Steve appeared at the Pauley Pavilion, UCLA Los Angeles, California. During an interview on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Steve announced that Discovery Kids will be developing a show for his daughter, Bindi Sue.[1] The show, Jungle Girl, is tipped to be similar to The Wiggles movies, with songs that surround a story. A feature-length episode of Australian kids TV show The Wiggles entitled "Wiggly Safari" appears dedicated to Steve, and he features in it heavily with his wife and daughter. The show includes the song "Crocodile Hunter, Big Steve Irwin".

On Saturday June 24, 2006, one of the oldest turtles living in Steve Irwin's Australian Zoo, died of heart failure. The turtle, named Harriet, was 176 years old and was considered part of Irwin's family. Harriet is thought to have belonged to Charles Darwin.

Steve Irwin is active in politics and is a supporter of the conservative Liberal Party of Australia. In particular, he strongly supports the incumbent Prime Minister John Howard.

On the 4th of September 2006, Steve Irwin was killed by a Stingray, whilst filming a documentary.

The Crocodile Hunter Documentaries

The following is a list of Crocodile Hunter documentaries and episodes, ordered by number

The Crocodile Hunter
The Crocodile Hunter Part Two
The Crocodile Hunter Part Three
The Crocodile Hunter Goes West Part One
The Crocodile Hunter Goes West Part Two
The Crocodile Hunter - Traveling The Dingo Fence Part One
The Crocodile Hunter - Traveling The Dingo Fence Part Two
The Crocodile Hunter - Suburban Killers
The Crocodile Hunter - Return To The Wild
The Crocodile Hunter - Africa's Deadliest Snakes
The Crocodile Hunter - Dangerous Africans
The Crocodile Hunter - Dangerous Americans
The Crocodile Hunter - Spitting Cobras Of The World
The Crocodile Hunter - Surfing Snakes
The Crocodile Hunter - Ghosts Of War
The Crocodile Hunter - A Handful Of Elephants
The Crocodile Hunter - Wild River Of Africa
The Crocodile Hunter - Faces In The Forest
The Crocodile Hunter - Island Of Time
The Crocodile Hunter - Steve & The Dragon
The Crocodile Hunter - Australia's Wild Frontier
The Crocodile Hunter - Crocodiles Of The Revolution
The Crocodile Hunter - Graham's Revenge
The Crocodile Hunter - Bunya Rescue
The Crocodile Hunter - Zoo Evolution
The Crocodile Hunter - Steve's Story
The Crocodile Hunter - Steve's Most Dangerous Adventures
The Crocodile Hunter - Steve's Greatest Crocodile Captures
The Crocodile Hunter - Captured On Camera
The Crocodile Hunter - Wildest Home Videos
The Crocodile Hunter - Big Croc Diaries
The Crocodile Hunter - River Of The Damed
The Crocodile Hunter - Crocs In The City
The Crocodile Hunter - Penguins In The City
The Crocodile Hunter - Island Of Snakes
The Crocodile Hunter - Whale Shales Of The Wild West
The Crocodile Hunter - Phantoms Of The Rainforest
The Crocodile Hunter - Alligators In Love
The Crocodile Hunter - They Shoot Crocodiles Don't They
The Crocodile Hunter - Leopards Of The Himalayas
The Crocodile Hunter - Africa's Big Five
The Crocodile Hunter - Steve's Singapore Safari
The Crocodile Hunter - Adventure With David Attenborough
The Crocodile Hunter - Ice Breaker
The Crocodile Hunter - Crocodiles & Controversy
The Crocodile Hunter - Steve's Last Adventure - Series Final
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries Episodes

The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - Steve's Birthday
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - Dancing With Devils
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - New Zoo
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - New Arrivals
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - Wild Boys, Wild Crocs
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - Girls Catch Crocs Too
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - Mateship
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - John Farnham's Holiday
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - Operation Sui
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 1 - Mary's Farewell
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Wiggly Safari (featuring The Wiggles)
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Kelly's Big Day
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Celebrities & Practical Jokes
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Wild About Harry
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Celebrities & Practical Jokes 2
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Backstage Bedlam
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Behind 'Croc Live'
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Celebrities & Practical Jokes 3
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Crocoseum
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Elephants Down Under
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Tigers Live
The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Season 2 - Last Entry - Series Final


Steve Irwin is a fan of the Singapore Zoo and considers it and the Australia Zoo as "sister zoos".
Steve loves mixed martial arts competitions and trains with Greg Jackson in the fighting/grappling system of Gaidojutsu.
Irwin appears in a 2006 ESPN television commercial in their This is SportsCenter series. In the commercial, he wrestles the Gator mascot of the University of Florida to the ground in an ESPN studio hallway.
A parody of Steve and Terri forms one of the themes of Irregular Webcomic!
Australian comedian Glenn Robbins' Russell Coight is an obvious parody of the Crocodile Hunter.


The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 13 January 2006.
Singapore Sling!. International Crocodile Rescue. Retrieved on 16 March 2006.


Amazing Australia

Australia Zoo


Wildlife Warriors

The Crocodile Hunters

Keith F. Adams - Crocodile Safari Man


Environmentalists and the environment

Eco Tourism

Media Man Australia does not represent any Irwin entity in an official capacity