
Of The Month: Poker Casinos
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poker is a variant of the card game of poker,
in which the rules require players to remove articles
of clothing in response to various events. The
first Strip Poker computer game was written by
the German Gamedesigner Dieter Eckhardt in the
late 1970's using the computers of an astronomical
observatory near Düsseldorf.
game can be played based on any variety of poker,
with the same number of players, dealing and betting
rules, etc. It usually starts with all players
wearing equal number of articles of clothing.
There are a number of ways in which the rules
can then be developed into strip poker. For example,
at the end of each hand:
player with the worst hand must remove a piece
of their clothing; or
The player who loses the most money in that round
must remove one; or
The player with the best hand may remove it from
them; or
The player with the best hand may choose which
player must lose an article; or
All players except the winner of the hand lose
an article. Note that this makes for an extremely
brief game, unless fully-nude players are required
to perform some action when they lose a hand,
in which case it may even continue after all players
are nude.
Alternatively, whenever a player runs out of chips,
they must trade a piece of clothing for a new
(usually fixed) number of chips.
If players are then allowed to "buy back"
clothing when they have won more chips, this can
result in a zero-sum game, where there is no long-term
net loss of clothing. (With two people, this will
have the consequence that only one of them is
missing clothing.) (Note that "buying back"
may be disallowed, so that the aggregate nudity
is always increasing.)
Instead of having a fixed amount of "trade-in"
value for all articles of clothing, some rules
allow for a variable trade-in value system with
articles of clothing that covers a contestant's
vital erogenous zones having the highest value.
(Bras and panties having a higher values than
sandals or high heels.)
As a further variant, players who have lost all
of their clothing, achieving total nudity, must
perform sex acts.
are no known professional associations or official
rules. The U.S. TV show Strip Poker is in fact
a general knowledge quiz, albeit one where contestants
take (some of) their clothes off; though it involves
cards in poker hands, the resemblance to the actual
game is distant.
poker productions typically involve a group of
all female players. The most famous strip poker
productions were probably National Lampoon's Strip
Poker and Strip Poker Invitational. Both productions
featured a group of female players made up of
Playboy or World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
models together with pin-up models competing in
unscripted no limit Texas Hold 'em poker competition.
The productions for National Lampoon were filmed
in their entirety at the Hedonism II resort in
Negril, Jamaica, whereas Strip Poker Invitational
productions were filmed in Las Vegas and both
productions aired on Pay-Per-View in 2005. The
winner of the first episode of National Lampoon's
Strip Poker was veteran Playboy model Taylor Kennedy,
who stripped five other models completely naked
in the process. National Lampoon's Strip Poker
was the first title in National Lampoon's history
to feature full frontal female nudity.
prefix "strip" can be added on to a
game title with a subsequent nudity-inducing adaptation
of the rules (e.g., strip Candyland and strip
a popular subject for pornographic fantasy and
video games, genuine research into strip poker
as a form of sexuality is lacking. The element
of risk and of (mock) coercion fits in with a
general sexual approach of domination and submission
and/or humiliation.
poker and other sexual games can occur:
part of a mature sexual relationship, where the
objective is to provide variety alongside intercourse
(possibly introducing more adventurous/deviant
forms of intercourse)
as a ritual of courtship (in some circumstances
it may be more acceptable for partners to enter
intimate situations as part of a game) as recreation
amongst adults with no intention to move towards
sexual intercourse as part of a pornographic display
(whether as part of prostitution or not) which
combines sexual titillation with the normal interest
of seeing a game played as a party game for youth
as the basis of various television game shows,
mostly in Europe, such as Tutti Frutti/Colpo Grosso
(Germany/Italy - 1990), Räsypokka (subTV
- Finland - 2002), Strip! (RTL II - Germany -
1999), Strip Poker (syndicated - United States
- 1997).
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