Website Review - Airview Aerial Photography

Website Review - Airview Aerial Photography

The Airview Aerial Photography website is one of the most practical websites in Australia.

The company specialises in aerial photography, and this is reflected in its website, with its slick design and blue and white trimmings.

Without a doubt, the main purpose of the website, other than to bring in business, is to house the amazing collection of aerial photographs in the "stock photo gallery". The "search box" is also extremely useful, allowing visitors and potential clients, to see if Airview has particular air photographs in stock. If they don't, fear not, it just means Airview will have to take to the air, to capture the shot required.

When Airview business director, Stephen Brookes went online a few years ago, he didn't expect that the website would be attracting over 50,000 hits per month, or that it would play such a significant role in this business. Stephen refers to the website as a "pretty, ugly", site. No matter how it's described, it works, which is better than many in the Internet "space".

There are over 2,000 photographs online, covering New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

Website users select the area of interest, by geographic location, or another relevant search term, then click on the photo of interest (tinted for copyright protection), and finally, selecting the "click here", that readies the user to send an e-mail to Airview, advising of the stock file number.

In these days of websites being a dime a dozen, it's refreshing to see a site that really reflects the business, and one that is accurate, practical and useful, all whilst promoting a very worthwhile service.


Airview Aerial Photography


Photography - Different things to different people

Harbour Bridge stunt lands pilot in deep water - 5th May 2004


Stephen Brookes, Airview Aerial Photography: 4th June 2004

Stephen Brookes, Airview Aerial Photography: 7th June 2004

Media websites

The Manly Daily

The Sydney Morning Herald - Technology

Australian IT (News Limited)

Australian Net Guide

Aviation websites

Australian Government | Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Aviation Publishing Group



Photography websites

The Digital Journalist

The Poynter Institute - Photojournalism


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